Keshou Shashin
RH project is collaboration with Beauty Creator RYUJI.
It is an Make-up Photos an aesthetic space conceived and created by two creators with the unselfconsciousness of children scribbling with crayons.
RH project's goal is to engage the viewers' emotions at the moment they first encounter the work, we want to arouse a purely sensuous, emotional response before the intellect even gets a chance to kick in.
We are aiming for a new kind of beauty: a beauty that defines codification and cannot be expressed in words.
ビューティクリエイターRYUJIとのコラボレーション RH project。
RH projectが追求するのは、作品と向き合った瞬間に、見る者の情感に刺激を与え、頭で考えるよりも先に「何これ?なんか不思議…うわ、面白い!」「すごくキレイ!」といった、ピュアでセンセーショナルな感動を起こす事。